Filmmaking Tips for the Independent Filmmaker

New Zealand Directing Workshop: “The 6 Essential Stages for Casting Actors”

UPDATE: I had a great time in Auckland, New Zealand  (February 21 & 22, 2018) giving a 2-part workshop called “The 6 Essential Stages for Casting Actors” at the Yoobee School of Design and Film. Great group of passionate filmmakers and actors. 🙂


NEW ZEALAND FILMMAKERS: I will be giving a 2-part workshop called “The 6 Essential Stages for Casting Actors” at the Yoobee School of Design and Film in Auckland. Part 1 is Wednesday, February 21 (5:30-8:30). Part 2 is Thursday, February 22 (5:30-8:30).

About the Workshop:

The Casting Session (Audition) can be an intimidating experience for both actors and directors because it’s the place where “both sides of the table” have only a few minutes to make bold creative choices. Choices that could affect ALL of our careers!

For actors, it takes a lot of guts to walk into a small, windowless room and have 15 minutes to “show their stuff” in front of complete strangers. But it’s just as tough for Directors as well! How can we correctly decide, in less than 15 minutes, who is right for a particular role?

If you are an experienced director with a few good films under your belt, you will probably be able to attract well-known and experienced actors to your casting sessions and hire many of them for your projects.

But what if you are a film student, or an “unknown” low budget indie director, or you just like to direct short films on the weekends – how are you going to find the best actors for your project when you are not able to attract (or pay) for the most experienced actors?

Well don’t fear! If you can’t attract (or afford) the most experienced actors to come to your casting sessions, there are dozens of undiscovered talented actors who could be right for a part in your film – as long as you know HOW to attract them and HOW to effectively audition them!

In this two-part workshop called “The 6 Essential Stages for Casting Actors”, I will show you a proven step-by-step casting process you can follow and adapt to fit your particular personal style and situation.

Part A. Mandatory Casting Sessions

  1. The Audition (Deciding who is NOT Right)
  2. The First Callback (Watching Actor Chemistry)
  3. The Second Callback (Deciding who IS Right)

Part B. Optional Casting Interviews and Tests

  1. Checking References (Who has Worked with Them)
  2. Actor Interviews (Getting to Know Them)
  3. Screen Tests (When in Doubt)

Since I first started casting actors as a television director in the 1980’s (as well as my years of experience teaching filmmakers and actors worldwide) I have seen over and over again how this 6 stage casting process can successfully work for any director.

Workshop Format:

Part One: Wednesday, February 21 (5:30-8:30)
Lecture and Q & A

Part Two: Thursday, February 22 (5:30-8:30)
I will conduct an actual audition (and callback) with several local actors using the audition process I discussed in Part One.

Workshop Objectives:

By the end of this two-part workshop, you will discover (1) how to create “targeted” character descriptions that will attract actors to your auditions; (2) how to properly set up and run a good audition; (3) the top 3 qualities directors need to look for in an actor.


Yoobee School of Design and Film
Level 4, 3 City Road, Grafton
Auckland 1010 – ACG


If you are interested in attending this two-part workshop in Auckland, New Zealand on Wednesday, February 21 (5:30-8:30) and Thursday, February 22 (5:30-8:30), please contact:
Rich Turner at

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