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The Director’s Chair Issue #54 – May 30, 2005 (Finding a Film Job)

Finding a Film Job
by Jeff Anderson

Film jobs are hard to find, but for the fortunate few, very
rewarding. The key is not to set your goals so high that
they cannot be attained. By that I mean, if your goal is to
be in the next big Brad Pitt film, and you’re a relative
unknown, you’re probably setting yourself up for

But there are plenty of film jobs that you can get!

The world of independent film is rich with opportunities for
those starting out in the film industry. If you are prepared
to make your services affordable and be persistant, you’ll
have a chance to succeed.

When you first start out, you’ll probably be working for credit, or at best–deferred pay. This means that there won’t be any up front money on the project, but you will begin building a resume and this has
value in itself.

Once you have a few films on your resume, and clips of these
films that you can submit as a demo reel, you will start
being considered for more work. This type of experience is

Let’s face it, there are a lot of things that we think we can do, but we never know for sure until we try them and succeed. I always advise young composers to respect the work of those who have gone before.

Believe it or not, there will be a time when you are one of these elder
statesmen and will appreciate the respect.

About The Author

Jeff Anderson knows his films. He knows what to look for and
what pitfalls to avoid. Let him guide you to finding out
more about films. Contact him at mailto:Jeff@filmington.com
or visit the blog at his site http://www.filmington.com.

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